Thursday, November 26, 2015

Pine Trees

The K2 class constructed and painted these cool pine trees. 
No brushes or scissors. They used a round sponge to paint and ripped the paper. 

Food Trucks

We are starting to see the finish line for the food truck design project.


The 5th grade is studying Volcanos right now so I though it would be a good time to work with multiple mediums to make a volcano scene. The landscape is made with crayons, the volcano mountains are oil pastels and the black eruptions is made with ink and a straw.


The 1st grade requested to draw Lego figures before we go on Thanksgiving break. So first I started with a little lesson on how to draw a Lego block in perspective. They handled it wonderfully. Then they had the option to play the "Roll a Mini Figure" game. They roll a die and depending on the number rolled a body part is giving to add to the blank figure.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Art Contest Winner!!!!

Congratulations to Ciara in 4th grade for winning a Holiday Art Contest! 
You should be very proud, I know I am.  :)

The Legend of the Wild Goose

After the 3rd grade came back from their field trip to Plymouth Planation I started this project about a Native American Folk tale. The Legend of the Wild Goose is a Mikmaq tale explaining why we see the geese flying in the v form in the fall. 
This was a lesson of patience for some. Each feather is cut from colored paper and layered just like on real birds. The overlapping is what helps keep the cold air and water from getting to the skin. I have the finished birds in the hallway board.

Fraction Quilt

This actually is still in the works in 5th grade,  but I still wanted to share a part of it. The project is to take a square piece of colored tissue paper, fold into eighths then cut sections to make a design on a white square. When this is done it will be attached to a large piece of plexiglass. It should be like a stain glass quilt.

Moving Collage People

My glamorous 4th grade!!!

These fun figures are movable collage people made by forth grade.


This is just a taste of something in the works. It was made with a donated paint color sample book.

Happy Bear

We started to think about hibernation and the approaching winter in art class with the 1st grade. I read them the book "Bear Snore On". It's a cute story and a nice way to get primed to draw a happy bear. The students followed my steps, added color and some added their own details. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Birch Tree Bark Canoes

I've done this with the 3rd grade in the past but I feel the 2nd grade is totally ready to handle it, plus it's so much fun. I brought in a piece of a birch tree branch that feel down in my back yard to show and talk about how the Native Americans would use the bark to make their canoes waterproof. The bark is interesting to look at too. Using recycled paper towel tubes the students made their own birch canoes and people to put inside. The whole scene was completed the next week with a 3D pattern teepee. Some of the students got ambitious and made water and campfires.

Charcoal Dragon Eyes

The second part of the dragon eye lesson was finished this week. I think doing the pencil version to start helped to give confidence to the students when it was time to work in charcoal. The 6th grade worked on a large piece of newsprint. It's messy work but the charcoal is great for blending and getting deep dark areas.

Value and Monochromatic Trees

A few principals of design were covered with this project with the 5th grade. First we thought about background, middle ground and foreground. Then just using black and white paint and mixing three different values of grey the separate rows of trees move back in space.

State Bird

The 1st grade and I talked about what our state bird is, the black capped chickadee
One of the students though our state bird is a falcon, that would be cool. The chickadee is awfully cute though. After talking we did a step by step drawing lesson on how to make the bird. I just couldn't say no when students asked if they can make the bird different colors. We ended up with some creative versions of our bird. Love it.

More flowers

Here are a couple more of the tissue paper flowers from 7th grade.


Once more of the suns got finished it was a natural for me to hang them from the clouds. 
They really make the art room so colorful and inviting. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sunshine in the Art Room

The K2 class added some sunshine with these beautiful suns. 
They used the pattern skills they learned for the border and cutting skills for the rays.

Mouse Paint

The first grade watched a video version of the story "Mouse Paint". That day they painted with tempera paint a rainbow background. The next week they added their own mouse. Very cute.